According to the Asociación para el Autocuidado de la Salud (ANEFP) and IMS the pharmacy
Spanish market is showing an increasing tendency since the third trimester of
2013. The private market of prescription and the self-care or consumerhealth
are increasing and now are accounting for a 40% of the total volume and a 26’8%
in value. The consumerhealth market ranks as the second segment that brings
more sales to the pharmacy, after the prescription market, acting as a mean of
survival and great support to the pharmacy.
this situation, it is highly attractive for the laboratory to have a closer
relationship with the pharmaceutical target in order to get a better position
of their products in the pharmacy office, to include advertising at the point
of sale and, among others, to take their brands up to the top of mind of the
pharmacists at the moment that they are recommending to the consumer/patient
several studies done through the lasts months by the market research consultancy
Hamilton, it has been detected that the pharmaceutical target would highly
appreciate other resources that favored their daily activity beyond trade
policies applied by the laboratories
In order to determine what can provide the
laboratories, great beyond of the price variable, it is essential to use
research market techniques that allow us to go deeper in their daily life,
detecting insights and needs that help the pharmacist to optimize the
management at the pharmacy office.
can the laboratories get closer to the daily activity of the pharmacist?
is necessary to reinvent the traditional research market techniques to delve in
the daily work of the pharmacist and the pharmacist auxiliaries, detecting what
incitements are the key in the purchasing decision at the point of sale
this we apply mix deepening techniques in which are implemented ethnographic methodologies
and in depth techniques in order to observe in situ the pharmacy strategies, understanding
the mission, the functions, the attitudes, the motivations and the needs of the
pharmacists in their main activities. The aim is to identify what the
laboratory can provide in their day-to-day situations in order to be closer
with them, and indirectly, stay in a better position in the list of
recommendations and sales.
creative dynamics are also proposed in order to overcome the rational barriers,
deepen to a more latent and unconscious level and landing the ideas/insights of
the pharmacist in concepts of new products and/or services that define a model
“win-win” between the laboratory and the pharmacy.
the pharmacists in the management of the pharmacy implies, also, advising them
in the mix marketing, giving them tricks about the products, services,
distribution, communication and promotion, among other tools. For the
laboratory it means defining a better strategy of category management in the
pharmacy, optimizing the investment in publicity and communication and, also, going
into detail on the rational and emotional elements that influence the
pharmacist recommendation
that is necessary to analyze the possible routes of the consumer in the
pharmacy, determining the cold and the heat zone in the same and in the lineal
and, moreover, measuring what elements and what stimulus are susceptible at the
point of sale to attract the attention and become a trigger for a purchase. Establish
a quantification of these elements will allow us to know the consumer decision
tree and detect what button should we touch in order to optimize our marketing
strategies and the trade marketing.
get a moment the pharmacist role… who of us would not like to be helped in
their daily activities? Who would not like that others care about our business?
Who would not like to sale more?
The pharmacist are more receptive to listen new
proposes, to apply marketing strategies and to improve their point of sale.
Being the first and the best in giving this
advisements will let getting us a better position of our brands and products in
their pharmacist and, also, in their top of mind.
Jennifer Varón